Phallus and I
Phallus, a symbol of fertility, power and love, is close to our cultures whether we celebrate it or not. While men can possess a penis, none can really possess a phallus, though every man has a relationship with his other phallic self.
Phallus, a symbol of fertility, power and love, is close to our cultures whether we celebrate it or not. While men can possess a penis, none can really possess a phallus, though every man has a relationship with his other phallic self.
When you talk about sex and church in the same sentence, for most folks, hairs go up on the back of their necks. Heck, it does for me, too. In our North American culture, sex and church go together like water and oil. Merlot and fish. Obama and Palin. S&M and Every Man’s Battle.
I’m not a stat junkie, but occasionally on my sites, I find it not only interesting but helpful to find out who is visiting, which pages they’re reading, and how they got to the site.