young guy reclining in a trance with flowers

Most Intense Male Masturbation Technique #2 — Kneeling Orgasm

Guy masturbation intensity rarely makes you wonder if you’re going to survive the experience, but this intense male masturbation technique, kneeling orgasm, clearly is in that category.

Sean Christopher
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This intense male masturbation technique’s biggest feature is the resulting orgasm that makes you wonder if you’re going to survive it. With this intense male masturbation technique, you also need to have complete relaxation in your anus, Kegels, and the muscles at the base of your penis.

Settle into a comfortable place. You’ll need a soft surface eventually, such as a bed or soft carpeted floor with some padding or something. Relax, lay back and get a really hard erection. Use plenty of good-quality lube. Pleasure yourself for as long as you like, but be careful not to get too close to the edge of ejaculation. If you’re getting too close, slow down or stop, and allow yourself to gain control again.

Concentrate on relaxing the muscles in your anus and at the base of your penis. You may have to squeeze them to identify them and then relax them. Pleasure yourself for at least twenty minutes, starting and stopping as needed to keep from ejaculation.

Here’s Where the Kneeling Orgasm Part Comes In

When you’re ready, get into a kneeling position. Here’s the tricky part. Position yourself so that your knees are spread and your butt is resting on your heels — one cheek firmly planted on each heel. Then tip your heels slightly out so that they spread the cheeks of your butt. That’s right — spread your cheeks thereby opening your crack. This is really important that you get comfortable sitting this way and that the cheeks of your butt stay spread.

What Guys Do: 101 Masturbation Techniques

Continue stroking your penis however you like. Relax your anus and muscles at the base of your penis. Come close to the edge of ejaculation and then back off a couple of times … then… when you feel you’re ready to orgasm … check to be sure your muscles are relaxed and your cheeks are spread … and let her rip.

Keep stroking your penis through the orgasm and keep your butt firmly planted on your heels and cheeks spread even though you feel like you might die from this amazing orgasm. Enjoy!

Photo by Altin Ferreira on Unsplash

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  1. This technique is amazing! I have been doing it for years! The more flexible you become, the wider you can spread your legs and even sit between your feet so your ass is resting on the floor! It takes quite a while to become this flexible but yoga works wonders!

  2. I’m not surprised this post was made in 2010, I must’ve found it around 2012-2013. I am so glad I did and the frenulum technique has been a staple for me for some years now, although usually with something vibrating, like a rotor. Love it.

    Anyway, about this technique. I remember trying it but because of the position it hurt and I gave up rather quickly and I never had much desire to try again. I did however venture into a lot of prostate play stuff (with not the greatest results) and even vibrating stuff but I realized I preferred it mostly to just have it pressed against my anus.
    This is where it becomes relevant. Just a few months ago, I decided to try to put a round shampoo bottle just inbetween my cheeks, and have it there while stroking (probably from the lack of having a decent toy nearby). I was relaxed, doing deep breaths and when I paused my stroking I felt my anus throbbing. I realized a new sensation and it made me think of this post; of this technique I never properly explored. I feel like it must be pretty similar because the bottle keeps the cheeks open, and it doesn’t seem to matter that it’s pressed against it. But now you can actually lie down and it’s a lot more comfortable.

    I have yet to discover what shape is best for this but it could be a drinks bottle or shampoo bottle, but rounded corners seem ideal. To clarify: you lie down on your back and you put the bottle inbetween your cheeks with the bottle pointing UP. Relax your pelvic floor muscles and try to breath through your stomach. Please do try it and let me know what you think!

    Thanks and all the love.

    1. Anything that helps keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed like this kneeling position does. In this position, pulling your glute cheeks apart helps you resist the urge to tense your pelvic floor muscles. In some cases, guys will shoot further when they ejaculate when you tense these muscles — ejaculatory contractions are strong enough to overcome. In most cases, though, it’s best to simply learn to relax. This bigger deal though? It’s to build your arousal over some time. Ejaculations are generally more enjoyable and better volume when you’ve given your body some time to build up. So, in a couple of words: relax and delay. That will help.

  3. Hello Sean,

    That is amazing that this article is over 10 years old but still getting comments and praises! I have stumbled upon this and I have been so eager to execute it properly, but I am just not flexible and have weak knees. I just can’t get comfortable in this kneeling position to the point where I am relaxed enough to actually do the deed.

    I did read below that some people sit on the toilet seat and get a similar result. I’ve tried this toilet seat method. I sat on it backwards (so I am facing the wall), legs spread outward, with my butt slightly dipped in the opening of the toilet seat. I suppose my butt cheeks are being spread a bit because of this (as one would imagine since this is the purpose of a toilet). I placed my laptop/phone on the top of the toilet tank so I can conveniently watch whatever I want to watch during my session, and stroked away. I did notice a much stronger orgasm this way, but I really want to know if this is as intense as the kneeling method that you have described.

    Do you have any experience with the toilet seat method and if so, can you comment on whether or not it is just as good as the kneeling method? If it isn’t, I guess I will have to start stretching every day for months on end to make it possible for me to do it! Haha.

    Thank you.

    1. Hey! Thanks for the note! Of course, masturbation is timeless and in 20 years, guys will still want to know and experiment with masturbation techniques.

      I’ve never tried the toilet seat technique to be honest. I know some guys do, and it makes sense as a toilet seat will have the butt-cheek spreading effect which is the active ingredient in this technique. You might also try what another reader posted. Lay on your back or prop against a pillow, put the bottoms of your feet together and pull them toward your body. Also, helps to relax your anal muscles. That’s really what you want to achieve.

      Honestly, though, I’ve never found anything as effective as the kneeling method. It’s totally awkward, I know. But it blows your mind. I almost pass out.

      Thanks for your post. You’re the best!

  4. I tried to masturbate at the Bound Angle (yoga) position, and found it much more comfortable and as enjoyable as the kneeling mode. It is only necessary to have a hard erection and use a good pillow to support yourself. I recommend everyone to try it…I’m having wonderful orgasms!

  5. I discovered this technique by accident but the variation was sitting on the toilet allowed my butt cheeks to spread as I sank it in the hole, fully relaxed and go at it for more than an hour. The toilet was designed to accommodate human bio-mechanics so it may help those who have difficulty kneeling, your only prep/enhancement would be cheek spreading, Yes the orgasm is the best yet because the anus is super contracting, against the cheek spread causing ripples that last longer.

  6. Amazing, simply amazing. This was so intense. As I was edging and had my cheeks spread, my penis was throbbing getting ready to bust, but before it did I stopped and grabbed a ruler. Normally I am 6 inches, right before the explosion I was 6.5 inches big. This was the most intense thing I have ever felt. Droll fell out my mouth as I was stroke so fast anticipating the explosion.

    1. Bill, that’s a pretty interesting perspective on the technique. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone comment on a size increase. Makes sense, though. I’m so happy you enjoyed it. Keep it up and thanks for commenting!

  7. I tried this kneeling method a few months ago whilst I was sat on a cock riding it slowly whilst he slowly edged my cock and teased my nipples with his lips and tongue.iv never experienced pleasure like it…when I had my orgasm I felt it from my legs up to my chest front and back and am now addicted to that position.

  8. Litarly m’y Dick exploded likee nuclear bomb ther was blood adn cul everywher i it was near death experince but fel good

  9. So i should just spread my butt checks or also my anus? When i tried it it felt kinda uncomfortable. I was sitting like explained on my heels. My legs made a “V”. Is that correct?

    1. You’re right. Legs make a “v”. And the idea is that you stretch you anus thereby disallowing the contraction of those muscles. If you’re not accustomed to kneeling like this, it will likely be uncomfortable. That’s why for some, becoming fairly aroused first is helpful. Try it! Enjoy!

  10. This sounds great! I can’t wait to try. I wonder if this would be good if a woman was doing the stroking for the man? Tempting to try next time I’m at an Asian massage parlor.

  11. This is probably the most rewarding technique I’ve tried in many years: the complete relaxation of perineal area greatly enhances the experience and, at least in my case, lengthens the orgasm build-up, duration and intensity. It’s just mind blowing. The major con is probably the kneeling position, which I find quite uncomfortable in the long run, even if I’m quite flexible. So yesterday I tried a simple variation that was so satisfying I just needed to share it with you guys. Having my bed propped against the wall, I just laid on my back with both my legs up, flexed at 90 degrees with my soles on the wall. My butt was placed as near to the wall as I could. This position gave me the same amount of pelvic relaxation without any stress on my knees or my butt cheeks, resulting in a much more enjoyable experience! Give it a try 😉

  12. I wonder if the same thing is happening if you use a butt plug. The couple of times I tried one the sensation was so intense it was very difficult to edge. As soon as your butt tightened around the plug it causes a chain reaction of your PC muscle flexing. With plug in place you can’t actually flex it like it does without the plug, so maybe the key is not having your pc muscle fully contracted.

    1. I believe you are right. There is likely a very similar effect among the pelvic floor muscles. Indeed, the sensation is very intense. Takes your breath away!

  13. Oh wow. Nice. It wasn’t really as amazing everyone said, “being close to sex” or whatever, but it was just a masturbation v2.0 – More cum and a slightly better experience. I’ll keep this technique in mind.

  14. wow!! what a sensation! had small’ doubts, but WOW! this technique, is all worth the while’

    It does have to be followed as described, but well worth all rewards’ ‘Fantastic!

  15. It was intense. My butt hurt at first and keeping the muscles relaxed was difficult but it was worth it. My hands and legs were still shaking minutes after.

  16. Could this maybe be used in combination with the frenulum technique or would that take away on pleasure.and side question have any of you experienced better orgasms with porn while using this technique or without porn?

  17. I can’t manage to get my cheeks on my heels… My calves I guess are too beastly… What I do instead is I sit my cheeks on the hard edge of the arm of my couch and blast off like that… It’s extremely intense!

  18. Would taping your cheeks apart accomplish the same thing as kneeling? (seriously!!) if physical limitations prevent you from bending your knees to that degree as described, could this be done in some other position?

    1. Yeah, it might actually work. The other thing you can do is pull one cheek with one hand while spreading the other on the edge of something like a chair couch or bed. Alternatively, you can lay back propped by a large pillow, and with soles of your feet together pull them toward your groin. This has a similar effect as long as it doesn’t hurt your knees. Enjoy!

    1. The main thing is your heels and spreading your butt cheeks. I’m thinking balance might be a little easier if your knees are planted on the ground and you might be able to focus better. Try it both ways and see what you think. If you get the butt cheek action right, you’ll find the intensity.

  19. I tried this technique a couple more times and the most confortable position was kneeling but with my feet out of the bed. This would cause less to no pain and helps the orgasm increase. Thanks for the tips!

  20. I did this and did not get a powerful orgasm as with techniques #1 and #3. What did I do wrong? How far do you need to spread your cheeks?

    1. Hey! Spreading them helps you not tighten your anal and pelvic floor muscles when you orgasm, so spread them fairly tight. Also make sure before you get into the position that you’re pretty relaxed–pc and bc muscles nice and loose. Finally, try anything three times!

  21. Hey guys im having trouble i can get a massive erection but believe im doing the kneeling part wrong if anyone can give me a more detailed instruction i would greatly appreciate it i desperately want to experience this.

    What i do in the kneeling part is/

    I sit on my knees

    i then place my right heel on the right cheek and twist it to spread.then with the other hill.

    Then i masterbate as normal but i dont even get close and constantly have to readjustmy heels because its uncomfortable.

    Please help

    1. Hi Kieran:

      Sounds like you’re pretty close. Because the position is a little stressful for knees and the tops of the feet, you want to get pretty aroused and close to comming before you get in the position. Just so you don’t have to stay there too long. Discomfort can easily hold off an orgasm.

      The main thing is for you to spread your butt cheeks. This position uses the heels to do that. You could also use one heel and one hand, or a table tope and one hand. Another reader on this site pointed out that in a sitting position, pull your knees up toward you and put the bottoms of your feet together and pull them in as close to you as you can. Cum in that position. Also can be intense.

      Just get your butt checks spread. This prevents pelvic floor muscles from tensing and allows the orgasm to increase in intensity. It can be a lot for some guys.

      Thanks, Kieran, for your note!

  22. To anyone asking if “lube” is necessary — if the issue is not being able to acquire such, for whatever reason, my solution is to take a thinly-rolled paper towel and tickle the inside of my nostrils until i sneeze a few times. Then, wait a minute, and use your saliva.

    If you’re grossed out, consider what happens during sexual activity and acknowledge that your own body is, well, your own body.

  23. I have to say that this was pretty amazing. I had horrible meathods of pleasure and when I found this, I just had to give it a go. I had to lay there for a moment after because I was overwhelmed with the sensation. Thank you so much!

  24. Man! This technique is intense! Gotta admit that the kneeling part is quite difficult. But oh my it is worth it! Definitely ease off and then get close again, then enjoy! Best orgasm I have ever had. Just difficult to clear the come away though! Enjoy.

  25. Maybe this was because I’d given up (after 2 hours) on the 3rd technique, because I didn’t edge for long enough, was kneeling in my computer chair, or was kneeling improperly, but this had (much like the Frenulum technique) no extra effect. I still produced fluids (to phrase it as politely as possible) but it felt no different from when it does without the kneeling. (other than the sore ankle…I’m absolutely terrible at pretty much everything, though, so maybe both cases were due to my not doing something I should have…)

  26. And you didn’t answer my second question… :/
    And btw can I do this without lube?
    And how important is it to relax the anus muscles?

    1. I’m a big one for lube. You’ve got to decide that. I answered the anus question earlier. Always a great idea to relax. Relaxing allows orgasm to spread throughout the body. Incidentally, so does time and slowed breathing. That answers your other question.

  27. Alright now so I just tried using the toilet seat to spread my chicks and managed to spread them but I have 2 questions;
    1. It really felt pretty awesome and I came a lot more than usual and it felt better then masturbating in the usual way but it wasn’t as awesome as I excepted.. Any idea why? Maybe I didn’t spread my chicks enough? How much do you need to spread them?
    2. Why do you need to masturbate for 20 minutes before using the technique?

    1. Wow! Awesome! Yes, as with any new skill, you need time and lots of opportunity to notice your own response. Keep working with it and refine it!

    1. It is hard on the knees for some. You can pull on one cheek against an edge of the bed or something while pulling on the other cheek with your free hand. Some guys can get a similar effect by pulling their legs in with the bottoms of their feet together. It has the effect of stretching of the anus.

  28. OH MA gawd! Thank you so much! This has probably been one of the most intense masturbation session in my LIFE! Thx a lot.

  29. This is a technique I will use forever. I have very low T, I hardly produce sperm. I find it difficult to climax the second time around. And when I do, it was less intense then the first. However… that second time when I tried it. It was more intense then the first.,

  30. This technique really does produce an intense pleasurable orgasm. I’ve masturbated often in this position, and usually have a finger inserted to add the additional very pleasurable stimulation of the anus/prostate. I love the feeling of my anus squeezing my finger and relaxing with the muscle contractions during climax. Really is a great way to masturbate…

  31. OH..MY..GOD..
    just wow..i seriously was in a shock and awe state for like 5 minutes after doing this technique..i felt my mind blown away..holy shit this is probably the biggest orgasm i’ve had in my whole felt so painful but so…still in a state of shock.

  32. Is their an age restriction on this?Im worried it might be too intense since I’m kinda young

    1. Hey Interested!
      Thanks for your note! A few things to note about OG. First, there’s nothing on OG that should be of concern or risk. We don’t make any recommendations or suggest anything really for anyone. It’s totally up to you, the reader, to decide what’s right and healthy for you. Second, no one should ever feel they need to do anything that worries or concerns them. Sex is for health, pleasure and fun. Worry isn’t really part of that equation. Finally, we really like that young guys are reading OG, so no, there is no age restriction, but if you don’t feel you’re ready to try something, by all means don’t. Also, read some of the other articles on OG to get a greater scope of what sexuality is about. I can also highly recommend for an outstanding orientation on sex and sexuality. Happy reading, guys! Enjoy OG.

  33. I have been doing this since my teens and i found that the best position to enjoy this is as follows… if you have a desk at home where your pc is and use a reclining office chair with a high back that you can lean back on comfortably then your set… first thing to do is put your feet up on the desk and move in close so that you end up like your sitting indian style only the bottoms of your feet are touching each other(in yoga its called Bound Angle Pose). Being that your in a comfy leather chair reclined and not laying down, you have a much better view of your buddy down there as well as a much better handle on him! Not only is is more comfortable with less strain on your other muscles, but the best thing about this position is that there is no clean up because all you need to do is rest some paper towel on your stomach while doing the duty and when the time finally comes simply lift the end of the paper towl closest to you up and it acts as the perfect shield and catcher! Hope this helps! Enjoy!

  34. Holy fuck I bot the most intense headache i’ve ever Bad from this :0 awsome orgasm tho – if you have difficulties with the kneeling part, try spreding your cheeks with the other hand, it kinda works too

  35. It’s hard to sit that way, especially being relaxed in that position. It seems my legs are slightly different in proportion? My heels can only touch the very bottom of my ass.

  36. What u can try if u can’t kneel is sitting backwards on a toilet with your cheeks spread. U can do the rest from there and cum into the toilet

  37. WOW. I got used to normal masturbaiting and now I tried this and man, I just wanna say thanks 😉

  38. Holy crap! I just used this technique for the first time, and I have to say, it was probably the most intense orgasm I have ever had since I was over at a friends house and they caught me using their fleshlight >:) . But I have to ask, will you ever get ‘used’ to this? Do you ever get to a point where it just doesn’t feel as intense as it did before? Obviously I’ll get used to it to a degree, but does the technique ever ‘wear out?’

    1. Glad you liked it. In my experience, seldom is a sexual experience the same twice; however, while there’s the occasional Geeze, I didn’t feel much, most often sexual sensations and experiences only become more nuanced, and profound. Maybe because I’m paying more attention? More careful to go slowly? Have fun, Ikuko!

  39. The sitting on my heels and then spreading the cheeks seems kind of difficult and to concentrate at the same time on a bed; but will give it a shot on the floor w/ carpet. Anyone else have difficulty on the kneeling part, or do i just need practice?

    1. The challenge is in the knees if you are not accustomed to kneeling like that. Yoga really helps. A little padding on the carpet will make it easier for you. You’ve got to spread those cheeks though.

  40. I am athletic and have huge muscular thighs, can’t get into the kneeling position. The frenulum technique worked awesome for me though.

  41. Is this in any sense risky? I see some comments about “I could swear I was dying” .. o.o I rather not die, I would like to be sure this is totally safe and is just masturbation before I do it, thanks.

  42. my experience (and 15-step guide):
    1:prepare lube and tissues
    2:prepare mini me
    3:prarie dog for a while
    4:sit on bum; spread cheeks
    5:prarie dog some more
    6:mind blown
    7:penis blown
    8:mind blown again
    9: —I CAME—
    10: clean up mess
    11:stand up
    13 OH F*** ITS ON MY KEYBOARD!!!!
    14:clean or buy new keyboard
    15:repeat as desired

  43. Tried this, and it worked. 3x the load came out, and the first thing I said was “whoa!” There was just so damn much!

  44. WHOLY CRAP!!!
    Here’s my story: The first time I had a masturbating orgasm, it felt so good! I literally couldn’t control my convulsions! But then, I overmasturbated, so the orgasm didn’t have ANY pleasure in it. But when I tried this, IT ACTUALLY MADE ME CONVULSE!!! It felt so good to be jerking again. I didn’t do it exactly like the directions said, so in a few weeks, I’m going to follow the directions EXACTLY. Oh damn, I bet it will feel like I’m going to explode!

  45. DUDE! I just tried this and I will admit, it was AMAZING! It’s like right before you cum, you are a freakin god, and your semen is made out of pure gold, and you are just refreshed… well, except for all the jizz you have to take care of, but that’s a different story. Also, is there a chick version of this so me and my girlfriend can do this together?

    1. Robert. You can do anything with a partner. Just look for the keys to the technique and you’ll find out if it will work. With this technique, you must have relaxed muscles around your genitals and anus and your checks must be spread tight. Good luck!

  46. Tank you so much. I wanted to do something different. Not just whacking off to porn. I stumbled upon this on Google. I tried it, and it feels SO good! It gives you an amazing sensation, it’s well worth doing. The only bad part; cleaning up afterwards.

  47. Thank you so much for this. After many years of masturbation I had been reduced to shallowly breathing with a clenched anus while throttling my penis to mediocre porn.

    I just tried it out and it was amazing, I was taking it really slowly, I was relaxed and taking deep slow breaths. And what came after that was…well…me! A deep sensational orgasm that seemed to flow from within, not the usual squirt and I’m done. Its something Iv’e not experienced in a long, long time.

    Thanks again

  48. Oh my god i would swear i was dying!!!!! The sensation is extremely intense and my ENTIRE penis was full of extreme sensation. If you dont try this guys your missing out on THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE BLOODY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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