The Strange Marriage of Masturbation and Porn
Though, unsettling, porn and masturbation demand a trial separation. We believe there are solo sexual aspirations forgotten, emotions yet unfelt.
Though, unsettling, porn and masturbation demand a trial separation. We believe there are solo sexual aspirations forgotten, emotions yet unfelt.
This year, without exception, every person on earth must find ways to process a global crisis and all of the unfamiliar energies that crisis presents. I am repeatedly moving through all of the stages in grief — not necessarily in the proper order.
Anti-masturbation campaigns are as common as nosey neighbors, yet as insidious as a cult. They beguile unwary wankers into believing solo genital pleasure is personally dangerous and socially damning.
Imagine the ultimate male masturbation device. Through guided masturbation and “My Pleasure” by SonoTouch. Your body and brain together climb into your own unique pleasure zone where you all at once go further than you’ve ever gone before.
Probably the greatest perk of the ballooning intense masturbation technique is the Wow! factor.
Look to the night sky for guy sex education. There is lunar language, the personality of the penis speaks to us. From the moon, we learn to make peace with the moods of our genitalia.
OG 2018 Masturbate-A-Thon: A world-wide synchrony of pleasure to achieve world-wide peace and unity. It certainly can’t hurt. Starts May 1st.
While most guys enjoy the pleasure of five-finger masturbation, there’s nothing quite like the joy of a Fleshlight. Learn the elusive secrets here.
Search “reasons guys masturbate” and you’ll find a lot of health reasons. More than health, guys masturbate simply because it’s fun. Read on to find more.