Male Sexual Anatomy — A Guy’s Sexual Equipment Check
Someone said that for a guy, knowing your own male sexual anatomy is not unlike admiring the great equipment under the hood of a new car. Read the manual and find out where everything is, then try it out and see what it will do.
Someone said that for a guy, knowing your own male sexual anatomy is not unlike admiring the great equipment under the hood of a new car. Read the manual and find out where everything is, then try it out and see what it will do. There is a lot of great special equipment and features, but much of it will go unused unless you try it out and see what it will do under a lot of different conditions.
Male sexual anatomy is virtually the same for every guy, however, each guy’s sexual experience and preference will certainly be somewhat different from the next.
Every Man’s Check List of Male Sexual Anatomy
Brain — Never thought of the brain as a sex organ before? Actually, your brain is the most important piece of sexual equipment you’ve got.
Penis — Every man’s stick shift of male sexuality, your penis is your ever-present male pride. Yet, most guys don’t really understand their own penis.
Scrotum — It’s not just a sack to hold the boys. Your scrotum is an amazing organ that cares for your sperm supply while its maze of nerve endings adds a deep, subtle sensitivity
Testicles — Ah yes, the boys, the balls, the nuts, your family jewels are a source of both pain and pleasure.
Perineum — It’s out of sight unless you practice contortion. Admit it, you’ve done it. It’s your overlooked zone of incredible sensitivity and even ejaculatory control.
Chest — Only rarely do guys have breasts, but technically you’ve got the same stuff as women, just undeveloped, yet subtly sensitive.
Nipples — Not a lot different from a woman’s nipples in structure, yours are completely non-functional. What’s left but pleasure?
Thighs — Yet another sensitive zone much like the chest, your thighs give great pleasure.
Butt — Who’d have thought that the seat cushion we all carry around would be so pleasurable? Even though you’re probably a bit self-conscious about it, your butt can enhance your sexuality a lot.

Anus — Are we pushing the envelope here? Maybe for some, but it’s true that your anus has a mass of pleasure nerves for some reason. Why miss it?
Prostate — A significant difference from women, your prostate is deep inside, but not really that hard to reach. We’ll tell you how.
Eyes — Your eyes are an entrance to your soul both for what you take in and how others see inside. Don’t overlook your eyes.
Ears — Everybody thinks that guys aren’t into words, so let’s just do it. You know differently, though. Words of love and affirmation as well as erotic conversation reach your soul.
Photo by christian buehner on Unsplash